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About West End Online


West End Online is a web based directory for the West End community. Its aim is to encourage and promote buying local, using local and even enjoying local! The idea being to encourage something called ‘inward investment’ where we all support our own community’s economy and where every pound spent is recycled in the West End rather than lost to interests far away.

It’s also a way for the local community to see and link with all the amazing shops, facilities, services and community organisations on your own doorstep. And finally to support community groups or shops who might not yet have much of an online presence. The idea being that everyone working together helps us all individually.

We are not trying to change the world or be the best thing since sliced bread. We just want to make a small but significant contribution to making our community and our West End a better place. We hope you’ll support that by contributing to West End Online and, more importantly, using it.